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Showing posts from August, 2010

Favourite Photo - Sydney Monorail

Click the photo to view it in Flickr This photo was taken before I attended lunch with a new found friend Chris. Chris is a rather excellent guy and I enjoy the pleasure of his company. I took this photo hoping to get exactly what I got. A monorail disappearing into the bush. From some angles it looks like it has been photo-shopped to look like that but I assure you it is 100% legit! Colours are good and the focus was in just the right spot for me. this photo really brings out the coming together of the city and the bush.

Last week

The last week has been rather dull and boring for me. A few things here and there happened but nothing to outstanding. I wonder if this is what my life is coming to..dull and boring! I hope not! The highlights of the week were Lunch with Drue and Ben and Lunch with Chris. The puppy is doing well after a little incident of me trying to make pancakes out of him and squishing his internals. A quick trip to the vet found he had a bruised liver and spleen, which has healed up nicely. I felt so shit when this happened and started to freak out. I turned to twitter to vent and chat but that was a bad Idea, so I just dealt with it myself. I would like to say thankyou though to those who expressed concern for our puppy.

Phone - Genuine imitation iPhone

A mate of mine has gotten his hands on a phone. What type you ask, well its called a phone. It is an imitation iPhone from china and cost him all of $80 including postage. As you would expect it was no where near the iPhone standard but it was pretty good considering. It held dual sim cards and had a removable back cover and battery. One other thing it had was a removable 2gb microSD card as well as internal memory. Here are some pics. Without the back cover Back Cover Front

Bucks night

Last Saturday was my good mate Leigh's bucks night. The evening started off with a few games of laser skirmish followed by an excellent dinner at Outback Steakhouse Nth Strathfield, a game of bowling and then another round of laser skirmish. The dinner at Outback was exceptional, as it always has been from that particular restaurant. Service was 10/10 and the food was 10/10.  Most of us had the Razorback Ribs and there were a few of us struggling to finish them. I had to give up with one rib left over. The first time i have failed eating the ribs. As full as I was Desert was still an option. the two bes deserts on the menu at Outback are these: Cheesecake with Raspberry sauce Chocolate Thunder The end of the night had Leigh leaving with a memento! We all signed it as a reminder of the good times had by all.

Favourite Photo - Yellow Line

My Millennium train standing on the platform at Liverpool. I wasn't sure what result I was going to get when I took this photo, But I am please with how it turned out. Its an angle we don't get to see thing from on a day to day basis so a camera is a the perfect thing to capture and experience the different views that can be had.  The yellow of the yellow line, doors and hand rails and the brightness this night photo needs to get the point across. Just the right amount of light as well without a flash. 

Puppy Play Dates

Our little puppy "Sheldon" has had 2 puppy play dates over the last week. His first was with Yoshi and Koopa, a beautiful pair of Miniature Pinschers. Here they are all playing together. Yoshi, Koopa and Sheldon - Photo by Druey His second was with Marley. An adorable beagle owned by friends.Although Marley over towered Sheldon, alot of fun was had! Marley and Sheldon

Ribs, Ribs and more Ribs.

A friend of mine arranged a lunch time gathering at the Outback Steakhouse at Penrith. The lunch was arranged so we could have a "Rib Off" or rib eating competition. It seems that every time we have one of these events the rules seem to change. If they are going to continue, I think we should come up with a clear set of rules and the winner get their drink paid for by the looser or something. It is a great atmosphere and great food. For the "Rib Off" the people who are competing order the Razor Back Ribs. Except for leigh ho orders the Baby Back Ribs which are a smaller version of the Razorback shown below. Both come with chips. Razorback Ribs A good time was had and the service was great 10/10. To top it all off it is unlimited refills on soft drinks to make it easier to eat and wash all the meat down. One of the people who attended (Josh) started to build a rib bone pyramid It turned out looking preety sweet in the end. Tower of ribs Can only put Ou

Favourite Photo - Can anyone see a Cockatoo?

Can anyone see a cockatoo? This photo was taken in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney at the Scenic Railway at Katoomba. The birds all flew in a few moments before this as they are normal fed here by the staff of the Scenic Railway. Along with these birds there were a group of Rosella's around for feeding. I like this photo because of the white of the birds really stands out but the dash of yellow on their crest breaks them up just enough for them not to blend into each other.

Crust Pizza for Dinner

Saturday was a rather long day but an enjoyable one. After purchasing our new washing machine we headed to Lithgow to see the Mother in law for afternoon tea, who then proceeded to tell us she was coming down to Penrith that night anyway! BAH! Not a wasted trip as I didn't mind the drive and the foods? So the Mother in Law followed us down the mountains and Mrs Squeak suggested we try Crust Pizza for dinner. I ordered it for collection on the way home. We ordered:  BBQ -  Marinated Chicken Breast Fillets, Mushrooms, Spanish Onions and Shallots on a BBQ base with Feta (pic below) Mediterranean Lamb -  Slow Cooked Mediterranean Lamb, Tomato, Fresh Capsicum, Spanish Onions, Feta, Oregano, garnished with Mint Yoghurt and Lemon on a Garlic Infused base. (pic below) The service was excellent and the pizza's even better! However.... We ordered the Lamb pizza minus the capsicum, but when we got the pizzas home we found it to have capsicum on it! I rang the store promptly and

Washing Machine Trauma!

Last weekend our washing machine decided to pack it in. I rang around to get prices on service companies to come out to repair it and it was not looking cheap!. The average was $120 just to show up and then $25 per 15mins after that plus parts. Mrs Squeak then decided that it would be easier to just buy a new one. So we did. I done some investigations and price scouting during the week and came up with a list of places with the best deals/prices on the machine we wanted. Before we purchased the new one we headed out to Minno (Minto - but there is no T in Minno) to look at a display home. On the way back we dropped into the Crossroads home centre to check prices there. First stop Bing Lee. The price on the machine was $899 but on special for $877. I asked the sales person for thebest price and he gave me $799. I then proceeded to tell him I have a better price without any negotiations from Bing Lee in Penrith which was $735. He spoke to his manager and said the best he could do was $

Favourite Photo - Live Steam SSME Luddenham

This is a photo that I am not sure what happened to it, however I do like the effect. I was going for a pan shot but instead got this which has no real focus point but the blur seems to come out in a circle formation from the centre. It seems to play tricks on my eyes every time I look at it so I would recommend looking at it only when sober. Something a little different from a photo that would normally be discarded. 

Squeakaz and iPhone 4

A lot of people have their own idea, opinion or story about the iPhone 4. Most of them I have read centre around lining up for an iPhone to ensure that they are one of the first to receive one. Most of the morning of the launch day (July 30th 2010) alot of tweets were bagging out people who lined up. They were also focused on bagging out the iPhone 4. I have now noticed that some of those who were bagging it out have now either purchased or ordered one. If you don't already know I love doing early morning shift. And since this is the case my "body clock" seem to like to wake up at around the 3am mark even if I'm on a day off. This day was going to be no different. After lengthy discussions with my minister for finance It was decided that I maybe able to obtain an iPhone 4 as long as the cost of my plan did not rise. I took this into consideration and headed out the door at 0445hrs in the morning with Optus Store Penrith Westfield as my destination. I am not one w

Favourite Photo - Silhouette

My previous "Favourite Photo" showed the movement of light. this photo however shows the shadows or darkness that was a night in Nowra.  The photo is of a lone volunteer firefighter shooting water up into a tree to extinguish smoldering branches to prevent the fire from travelling up the tree and into the bush canopy. The flames in the background are part of a back burn put in to control the main fire. I think a photo like this one captures a real moment in time.