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True Friends

True friends are hard to come by these days but you sure know when you have found one.

To me a true friend is someone who will stand by you no matter what, provide support to you, someone who you can turn to in a time of need and a person who you can have fun with or just sit on the couch and watch a movie.

Some traits I believe a true friend should hold is: honesty, trust, compassion, understanding, sympathy and empathy.

Over the past few days I have been a little down and its during times like that, your true friends really show. It is good to be able to have somebody listen and say nothing, and you know that they are taking it all in and no matter what you tell them your friendship is only growing stronger by the second.

Over the past week I received many phone calls, tweets and messages from friends, however I had a very unexpected visit today from a person who has become a very close and true friend to me over the past few years and to him I say a gracious and humble thankyou and I really do appreciate the time you took to just chat and listen, it helped alot!

I have a close circle of friends who I know are just a phone call away, whether I would like to talk about the weather or get a little assistance with a problem. I have also met some absolutely wonderful people through twitter who even though they only may see my tweets and know nothing more than what I post, they to are friendly and genuine people.

I will have friends come and go through my life, but the friendships I have made will never be forgotten, because having those friendships has made me one of the luckiest people around.

I apologise if none of this makes sense, I was typing it as it came into my head so its in no particular order.



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